How to set New Year’s Resolutions you can actually stick to in 2022!
New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be something to dread or even avoid. It’s totally possible to set resolutions you actually stick to in 2022!
And with the past year (or two) we have all had, it’s a great time to start fresh and put forth some new ideas into the New Year. There’s nothing like a clean slate to get you started on the right foot and get you going on happier and healthier habits.
After all, if you don’t set a goal, you have no chance of achieving a goal.
Here are some tips to make New Year’s resolutions that you can actually keep.
Be specific
You’ve probably made resolutions in the past that are vague: Eat better, lose weight, get organized.
But the problem with vague goals is, they are hard to follow. If you choose a very specific goal to make a resolution about, you are more likely to follow it. Instead of saying “eat better,” say, I will eat a fruit or vegetable with every meal. Or, don’t say “get organized,” say, I will tackle one closet or area per month to declutter and organize.
Keep your list short
One of the ways we set ourselves up to fail is by making too many resolutions. So, this year, choose one or two and focus on those. That way, you won’t spread yourself too thin or lose steam when you aren’t achieving your goals.
Make a plan
If you choose to eat healthier, for example, you’ll need to make a plan on how to make that happen. Say you want to incorporate more water into your day. Download an app to remind you to drink or get a water bottle that tells you how much to drink per hour.
If you want to eat more fruits and veggies, download a meal plan that incorporates them and then buy what you need at the store each week – and prep it when you get home so it’s ready to grab.
Find a buddy
One of the best ways to find success is to enlist help. So, ask a friend, a relative or your partner to join in on the resolution fun. You can motivate and encourage each other and then celebrate all your successes.
Fresh Forward
At Fresh Forward, feeding families is our passion. We work with local farmers to get the best, and freshest, produce on your family’s table. Ask your favorite grocery store, farm stand or produce market to carry Fresh Forward products.
Learn more about the Fresh Forward mission here.