Winters off? Not for Fresh Forward Farm Partners!
When the growing season ends for farmers, they don’t go off to a beach somewhere and relax. For Fresh Forward’s Farm Partners, there is always work to be done – especially in the winter.
Fresh Forward’s Farm Partners spend these long, cold months preparing to grow the crispest, juiciest apples, the sweetest peaches and more – all so you and your family can eat locally grown produce at the peak of freshness.
After the crops are harvested, the winter work begins. Farming, after all, is a year-round occupation. So, what do Fresh Forward’s Farm Partners do all winter?
Read on. We’ll tell you!
Our farm partners mainly use the winter season to do maintenance on their equipment and plan for the upcoming growing season. Our partners who have orchards also treat and maintain their fruit trees, doing tasks like pruning and more.
They also plan out the next year’s plantings and harvest, purchasing seeds, seedlings and other crops – making sure they are keeping up with trends.
Farmers can also use the winter season to update their bookkeeping – taxes and more, as well as make sure they have orders placed for things like fertilizer. They might also do human resources type work, making sure they have a plan for employees for the busy spring season.
Fresh Forward’s Farm Partners also take classes and do continuing education on topics like sustainability, technology and food safety.
Farming is truly a year-round profession. While the winter months might be a little slower, there is still plenty to do for our farmers. After all, they want to be ready to grow the freshest, tastiest produce for you and your family to savor.
Fresh Forward
At Fresh Forward, feeding families is our passion. We work with local farmers to get the best, and freshest, produce on your family’s table. Ask your favorite grocery store, farm stand or produce market to carry Fresh Forward products.
Learn more about the Fresh Forward mission here.